Package-level declarations

The main and public NBT serialization API


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sealed class Nbt

Instances of this class can encode values to Tags and decode Tags to values.

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class NbtBuilder(from: Nbt)
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data class NbtConfig(val encodeDefaults: Boolean = false, val ignoreUnknownKeys: Boolean = false)
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class UnknownKeyException(val key: String) : SerializationException

Thrown if NbtConfig.ignoreUnknownKeys is set to false and an unknown key is present during deserialization.


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inline fun <T> Nbt.decodeFromNbtElement(element: Tag): T

Encodes the given element to an instance of the class T.

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inline fun <T> Nbt.encodeToNbtElement(value: T): Tag

Encodes the given value to an Tag. If the given value of the type T can be represented by a primitive NbtElement, such an element will be the result of this function. Otherwise, an net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag will be created.

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inline fun Nbt(from: Nbt = Nbt.Default, build: NbtBuilder.() -> Unit): Nbt

Creates a new instace of Nbt. This function allows you to customize the behaviour of NBT serialization and deserialization.