Package-level declarations
Coroutine utilities (for example a Minecraft main thread dispatcher) and coroutine task functions
A CoroutineDispatcher which executes code synchronously to the net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient main game thread.
A CoroutineScope using the current net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient as the CoroutineDispatcher.
A CoroutineDispatcher which executes code synchronously to the net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer main server thread.
A CoroutineScope using the current net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer as the CoroutineDispatcher.
A CoroutineScope using the "Default" dispatcher of kotlinx.coroutines.
Allows you to use coroutines for infinitely repeating tasks.
Returns a Deferred<T>
which will be completed as soon as the server is starting.
Returns a Deferred<T>
which will be completed as soon as the server is starting.
Does the same as launch, but the dispatcher defaults to mcClientCoroutineDispatcher.
Allows you to use coroutines for tasks, both repeating and non-repeating.
Does the same as launch, but the dispatcher defaults to mcCoroutineDispatcher.