
A key used by all cooldown functions in for storing cooldowns.#



The cooldown length in milliseconds which is used if no other length has been given to the cooldown functions. This defaults to 50ms = 1 tick.


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constructor(defaultLength: Long = 50)
constructor(id: ResourceLocation, defaultLength: Long = 50)


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val key: String


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fun applyCooldown(entity: Entity, delay: Long = defaultLength)

Applies this cooldown to the given entity. After the given delay, the cooldown will be removed automatically.

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fun hasCooldown(entity: Entity): Boolean

Checks if this entity currently has the given cooldown (specified by key).

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inline fun <R> withCooldown(entity: Entity, delay: Long = defaultLength, block: () -> R): R?

Executes the given block if the entity currently does not have this cooldown. If the block is executed, this function will call applyCooldown. After the given delay, the cooldown will be removed automatically.