
class ClientToClientPacketDefinition<T : Any>(id: ResourceLocation, binaryFormat: BinaryFormat, deserializer: KSerializer<T>) : AbstractPacketDefinition<T, ClientPacketContext> (source)

See c2cPacket function, which constructs this packet definition class.


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constructor(id: ResourceLocation, binaryFormat: BinaryFormat, deserializer: KSerializer<T>)


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value class SerializedPacket(val bytes: ByteArray)

A wrapper around a byte array containing packet data. This wrapper will be used when forwarding packets on the server, since deserialization should only happen when requested.


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val binaryFormat: BinaryFormat
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val id: ResourceLocation
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val streamCodec: StreamCodec<FriendlyByteBuf, SilkPacketPayload>
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val type: CustomPacketPayload.Type<SilkPacketPayload>


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Deserializes this serialized packet to an instance of its original class.

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Specifies the forward logic (on the server, as it is the instance which forwards this packet). The returned player will receive the packet. Return null if you do not wish to forward this packet.

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fun receiveOnClient(receiver: suspend (packet: T, context: ClientPacketContext) -> Unit)

Executes the given receiver as a callback when this packet is received on the client-side.

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fun send(value: T)

Sends the given value as a packet to the server, which will then forward it to players selected by the forwarder. You can specify the forwarder using forwardOnServer.