inline fun <T : Any, NbtType : Tag> customCompoundKey(id: ResourceLocation, crossinline valueToNbt: (value: T) -> NbtType, crossinline nbtToValue: (nbtElement: NbtType) -> T): CompoundKey<T>(source)
Creates a CompoundKey which can be used to read and write data to a PersistentCompound in a typesafe way.
This compound key allows you to specify custom serialization or conversion logic to convert elements of the type T to NbtElements of the type NbtType.
the unique identifier for this key, this should contain your mod id
inline fun <T : Any> customCompoundKey(id: ResourceLocation, crossinline convertValueToNbtElement: (value: T) -> Tag, crossinline convertNbtElementToValue: (nbtElement: Tag) -> T): CompoundKey<T>(source)
Creates a CompoundKey which can be used to read and write data to a PersistentCompound in a typesafe way.
This compound key allows you to specify custom serialization or conversion logic to convert elements of the type T to NbtElements of the type Tag (this is the version of the customCompoundKey function with no specific NbtElement type).
the unique identifier for this key, this should contain your mod id