
class MinecraftComposeGui(    val blockWidth: Int,     val blockHeight: Int,     val content: @Composable BoxScope.(gui: MinecraftComposeGui) -> Unit,     val player: ServerPlayer,     val position: BlockPos) : CoroutineScope

A server-side gui making use of Compose and Compose UI. You may create this gui using displayComposable. Internally, the gui is rendered on maps, which are placed inside invisible item frames. Everything only happens through packets, therefore the gui does not really exist on the server. If you want to remove this gui, call the close function.


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fun MinecraftComposeGui(    blockWidth: Int,     blockHeight: Int,     content: @Composable BoxScope.(gui: MinecraftComposeGui) -> Unit,     player: ServerPlayer,     position: BlockPos)


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object Companion


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fun close()

Safely removes this gui. This function will be called automatically if the server shuts down.


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val blockHeight: Int
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val blockWidth: Int
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val content: @Composable BoxScope.(gui: MinecraftComposeGui) -> Unit
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open override val coroutineContext: ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher
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val player: ServerPlayer
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val position: BlockPos


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