
Does the same as GuiList, but is mutatable. If you change the content if this list using the mutate function, the gui will update accordingly.

See also


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constructor(collection: MutableList<T>)


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fun invokeListeners(): Job

Invokes all listeners, causing all open guis using this list to update.

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inline suspend fun <R> lookup(block: (List<T>) -> R): R

Provides access to the internal collection in an immutable form. Please do only use the collection inside the block lambda, as only there thread-safety can be guaranteed.

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inline suspend fun mutate(crossinline block: suspend (MutableList<T>) -> Unit): Job

Inside the given block, you can mutate this list. All guis currently using this list will be informed after that mutation, to update properly.

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fun onChange(block: suspend (List<T>) -> Unit)

Registers an onChangeListener, which will be called if the content of this list is mutated.

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fun removeOnChangeListener(block: suspend (List<T>) -> Unit)

Unregisters an already registered onChangeListener.